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Precision technical drawings

Competent in a variety of technical drawing CAD software, including AutoCAD, Inventor Professional, Sketchup and Fusion 360, realising designs through detailed representation. 


Using different layers, colors and line weights to distinguish different materials, as well as clearly showing different views, both orthographic and isometric. 

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Inventor Professional

4 week specialist study in collaboration with the Drawing office at Cardiff Theatrical Services (CTS), notably Olly Shapely and Dan Shears. 

Modeling the castor for exercise purposes. understanding the fundamentals of 3D Modeling from generating seperate parks and constraining them together in Assembly.

Cross section of rendered castor.

Fully rendered castor model.

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Orthographic and Isometric Technical Drawings

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Model for an LED light batten, recessed into the stage. Using sheet metal function to create parts out of singular metal sheets. 

Orthographic and Isometric Technical Drawings

Combining modeled castors, with sheet metal castor plates, and frame generated steel to form revolve spider leg. 

3D renders

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Orthographic and Isometric Technical Drawings with highlighted rendered details. 

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