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Truss, Hoists and Steel Wire Rope (SWR)

Work Placement at Unusual Rigging Ltd, Northamptonshire

2 week placement exploring the fundamentals of rigging including hoist maintenance, SWR production, and warehouse work. 

LX Workshop


Understanding the importance of LX within Rigging, from controllers to distro racks and also learning about the use of Kinesys (Motion Control) with chain motors.

Wiring up hoist controllers for delivery to London. 

Hoist Workshop

Servicing, diagnosing and testing a variety of chain hoists ranging from 250kg lifting capacity up to 2000kg. Understanding the technicalities behind how hoist motors work.  


Diagnosing issues with brake card.

Serviced motors ready t0 be sent out on site.


1000kg test lift with D8 Plus 1000kg Motor

SWR Production

Fabricating SWR ranging from 3mm up to 25mm thickness, up to 50m in length. Adding hard and soft eyes to each end. 
Pull testing new batches of SWR to ensure they fall within the SWL stated by the manufacturer.


Pull testing 8mm fiber-core.


Drum rack feeding the measuring wheel.


4mm black SWR with soft eyes for delivery.

'Matilda: The Musical' International Arena Tour
Mother Truss Test Build @ Unusual Rigging

Assisting Production Rigger Alex Taylor and Trainee Riggers Jake Cropper and Oliver Hewitt with the Mother Truss test build in the Truss warehouse at Unusual.
Working with Absolute Motion Control with the installation of Automation equipment to the truss before being shipped out to Japan for the first leg of the tour  

Triple E Track for A Christmas Carol @ RWCMD

Overseeing and rigging the installation of Triple E Unitrack for tracking scenery flown in/out, as well and on/off stage.
Managing a hot works permit for metalwork alterations on-stage. 


Rigging the 9m track with scenery carriers bolting onto the window frames.

Manually operated from SL

Preparing for Hot Works

Cutting steel frames to straighten

Fine tuning window alignment using carriers

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